Bacigalupi Apple Crisp

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We have never really been a big cake eating family. Birthdays, holidays and special occasions always seem to be celebrated with a pie of some sorts. My grandma Helen makes some of the best pies in Sonoma County. With fresh fruits picked off the ranch she sometimes will spend an entire day making a pie; […]

Bacigalupi family history

My great, great Grandfather was the brave immigrant, leaving home to travel to places unknown in search of a new life. Natale Bacigalupi was born in 1861 in a small town in the province of Genoa; Italy in the region Liguria called Cicanga. He came to the US in 1875 as a young boy and […]

My grandfather at Korbel

This March my grandfather, Paul Heck would have turned 91 years old. Even though I never met him there are things about his life and the way that he did business in the wine industry that I try in emulate in my own actions as I learn “the ropes.” I think that what most people […]

Thanksgiving yams

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What is Thanksgiving without your traditional yam recipe? In the Bacigalupi household we use Grandma Helen’s recipe that is a loved favorite by all the family members. Directions: Cook until done 3 and 1/2 lb yams, peel and mash. Then add: 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 lb butter 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp almond […]

The Bacigalupi family’s third generation

As the family’s third generation my twin sister Nicole and I have just started to make our mark in the wine industry. Both of us have jumped in head first, co-marketing our  family’s first wine label. On the same ranch that our grandparents farmed, we grew up chasing lizards, climbing trees, and following our father […]

Bacigalupi family legacy

In 1956 my grandparents–Charles and Helen Bacigalupi–purchased 121 acres on Westside Road, a few miles south of town. In a simple beginning, Grandpa began to care for the 16 acres of existing vineyards. Envisioning the demand for premium wine grapes, Paul Heck  encouraged Charles to plant chardonnay and Pinot Noir. In 1964, Grandpa began his […]